For anyone looking to add to their library of GCA and golf-related books, I recommend spending some time scrolling thru the offerings available at
www.bookcloseouts.comAmong the 200-400 golf-related books currently listed for sale, these might be of particular interest:
Finegan's "Where Golf is Great" $15.00
Finegan's "Emerald Fairways and Foam-Flecked Seas" $3.99
"Bernanrd Darwin on Golf" $5.99
"Golf Digest Classic American Courses" $8.99
"1000 Best Golf Courses in Britain and Ireland" $4.99
"Great Golf Courses of Canada" $10.99
"Dream Golf" $3.49 (this is the book about the making of Bandon Dunes)
"The 500 World's Greatest Golf Holes" $11.99
"AAA Guide to Golf Courses in Britain & Ireland" $4.99
"Trolleys and Squibs" $12.96
John Updike's "Golf Dreams: Writings On Golf" $3.49
"Golf at the Water's Edge" 2.99
There are also 2 books by Mark Rowlinson available: "A Slice of Golf" $3.99 and "Golf Journal" $8.99.