Pat but Atlantic had one great one whom you defend with tireless spirit. He would be one Rees Jones. What is wrong with Atlantic's site. Modern times dictate permitting enviroenmental etc. It is the mounding that creates the first jolt to the senses.
Shinnecock was all but fogotten from Top 100 list in the 70's. Mounding by Rees is old news, most here do not like it.
The Atlantic site is more rolling and flatter that Shinnecock. It was a farm first. Shinnecock was raw land and has elevation, long vistas, National next door, water views, bumps and nooks and cannies on the back and is flatter on the front which is where the weaker holes reside. While not on the water, Shinnecock sits in what is probably the narrowest peninsula on Long Island and it has to be one of the highest vistas in the area. It is way more sandy up at Shinnecock than out in Water Mill and Bridgehampton area which has less sand base which is why you see more farms.
Rees clearly had wetlands at Atlantic and I think he did a great job of incorporating them into the course property. I think Atlantic is at least a very good course sitting in the Top 15 on Long Island which is a tough neighborhood.
By the way, Hampton Hills GC has the Pine Valley of great sites out in the Pine Barrens just north of Westhampton. It could have been awesome, but it isn't.