I now have a few minutes to address your confusion and help point you in the right direction

You quoted in a previous answer
‘I think I've been, and continue to be, consistent and non-contradictory.’
But have also stated
‘You can do it until you're blue in the face, the french drain will continue to sink.’
Closely followed in a following answer
‘I never said that French Drains sink forever, but, you and I know that they sink for a good amount of time. And, the more you fill them, the less efficient they become.’
‘Until your blue in the face’ seems quite alot longer than a good amount of time.
A correctly built french drain will only settle about 1/2". A USGA green is built the same as a well built french drain, it is just the dimensions that are a little different.
Your quote ‘You may recall that you admitted to misreading several portions of the text. Perhaps that remains a problem for you ’
This might be true, maybe I am slightly word dyslexic but because when I see a mistake that I have made I can also admit it, this means I can learn from my mistakes. Your tatic of never admitting mistakes (yes, I know you will say you do

) leads to you contradicting yourself.
I have however found where your problem might lie!
Your quote
‘The trend in the U.S. and in the Northeast is toward firm & fast greens, hence, they get mowed fairly low. Some are rolled as well.’
Patrick, the title of this thread is ‘One of the prime difficulties in preparing a course to be F & F is’ maybe you just misread what you wrote or is it a typo

F&F is to do with how the entire course plays and not just the greens. A course can have greens stimping at 9’ and still play F&F. In order for the green and surrounds to play the same the sward needs to be similar, the cutting heights need to be similar, the rootzone needs to be similar and the maintenance needs to be similar. I would suggest that one or probably more of theses points are not the case at your course.
Look at all these things again Patrick and in an honest fashion. Then provide prove instead of just putting other peoples opinions down. In this thread, there have been many suggestions from several people about possible solutions. What have you suggested???