This is National Cash Register CC, better known as NCR, in
Kettering, OH, and was designed by Dick Wilson. NCR
hosted the 1969 PGA Championship, won by Ray Floyd
(Player runner-up), and 1986 Women's Open, won by Jane
clues include:
"ring up", "register","receipt"="cash register"
references=Rally's commercials' famous "Cha-ching!"
also, "insea are" posted a message, giving it away.
Me (Burroughs) as old "enemy" = Burroughs Corp., a former
cash register company that merged with another company to
become Unisys.
"Flyers" = nearby U. of Dayton Flyers and also (I think) stunt
air team HQ'd at Dayton's airport.
"Wright" launch for 12 seconds= Wright brothers' first flight,
who hailed from Dayton, but went SE to Outer Banks for
winds to fly.
"glacial" clue referring to neighboring course=Moraine CC, as
moraine is earthen debris that gets carried by glaciers and
then is deposited elsewhere.
I assume there must have been some incident at '69 PGA
between Player and Floyd.