Yes, its getting tedious.
It does raise a point though. Both Ron and Geoff know there are some factual errors in the earlier editions. Every time they find something, they correct it, but at the moment, there are no plans for a new version, despite their efforts and desire to do so.
As some recent threads show (and I am thinking of the Omaha CC thread, as well as our favorite gal) sometimes info is conflicting. They got much of it from old newspapers and from descendants of the gcas' profiled. Both sources have been discredited by combatants here from time to time. I am not sure how much access they had to various club histories, which you find to be the cats meow of historical research.
My guess is that 95% or higher of the historical statements in their books are true - at least as far as they go in those short summaries. For those who really want to dig into a personal or course history further, it is now possible via the internet to dig deeper than they did over 20 years ago. (and for Ron W, he started the process probably 20 years before the book was published)
Does this discredit them as a source? I don't think so, but we have to realize their intent was a broad history of gca and with that in place, others with time and inclination to add to that history will surely flesh out more details. But, we sure don't want to discredit their efforts even as new/more info is found.