Could the job really, possibly be that great?
$450 per week=$20,800 per year.
It mentions lessons, but let's be realistic-how many lessons is the average, stand behind the counter assistant pro going to give at Bandon Dunes, especially when they have a full-time teaching staff? At least he's an hourly employee and overtime applies-although that is probably kept to a minimum as the place is run by a management company.
Whoever takes this job is going to be waaay too busy answering the phone, making tee times, and selling shirts to teach-that's what the teaching professional is for. Kemper Sports is probably going to take 20-25% of the rare lesson income from this individual-which he probably has to give on his own time.
The "golf heaven" thing will wear off pretty quickly once the kid realizes that he/she will be extremely fortunate to play golf once every 18-21 days because the place is busy while the weather is decent-and forget playing in Section events (you are too far away and could not afford it anyway on $10-12.50 per hr).
I have never bought the "You're working less for money than for the opportunity to have Bandon Dunes on your resume" argument. If this tour of duty does indeed help him land a job at a higher-profile facility, he will not have been able to save enough money for a security deposit on an apartment near his new job.
Anybody who would consider this job should begin by considering college or graduate school.
Rob, I agree with you that the job is very appealing at first glance...