Here are a few pics of San Francisco Golf Club
What a joy to play. This may be the most old school club house and locker room I have been in.
These greens were as smooth, true and fast I have ever played in California. They were perfect.
The course in many spots felt like Augusta National with its course-wide vistas, perfect white sand yawning fairway bunkers and wide playing corridors.
I really enjoyed the way Tillinghast routed these first few holes. He got ever ounce of natural contour out of each one of the first 8 holes.
Hole #2 into a natural valley. One of the hardest holes on the course due to the second shot being semi blind and very uphill.

Hole #3 back out of that same valley with a risk reward inside bunker.

Hole #7 Obvioulsy the most famous hole on the course. They just renovated the right bunker so it would wrap around the entire right front of the green.

Hole #8 Similar to # 2 where the player has a great framed tee shot to a very up hill green

Hole #11
Great par 3 with a green almost completely surrounded by deep yawning bunkers.

Hole #12

Hole #12
Look how cool this bunkering looks. Looks like #13 at Cypress Point where the bunkers run up on to the framing hillside

Hole #13
Fantastic par 3. One of the best bunkered holes I have ever played. Green slopes front to back with gaping bunkers all around.

Hole #14
A complete addition to the back side of the green. There is a weird fairway bunker about 75 yards from the green I would love to know why either Tillinghast or Doak put it there.

Hole #7 Back to the most famous hole. Very good two tiered green set in a natural valley.

Hole #10
Looking back toward the club house (note clubhouse minus any shrubbery, can't be bothered


This is a course I could play everyday and never get tired of...great tee ball strategy with fantastic fairway bunkering and greens just slick enough to make you think over every chip and putt.
Very much like Wild Horse and Baltimore Country Club....understated, challenging, yet fun and joy to play.
Why can't all courses hit this perfect mix.