We need a London based GCAer who is interested in historical research to help us with our Mackenzie project, on both the Timeline and Courses fronts. As none of us are in London (Nick Leefe is the closest in Leeds) there are a few items we would like following up on and having a London based person would make a number of things easier.
Firstly, we need someone to go into the NMR Swindon offices (part of English Heritage) to view a collection of some 16 oblique aerials of Hendon Aerodrome and the London Country Club that date from 1919-1926 and determine which, if any show the Mackenzie course originally built for the London Flying Club. As a follow up, research in the local newspaper microfiche would be needed to see what mentions there may be of the golf course and the LFC in general to help us build the story.
I suppose the primary part of the research would be to go to the British Library to glean whatever Mackenzie mentions there may be in the early golfing periodicals such as 'Golf Illustrated', 'Golfing' etc from the start of Mackenzie's career around 1907 until his death in 1934. This is I believe the big hole in our research to date and is likely to be fairly time consuming.
If there are any volunteers passionate (=silly) enough to take on this poorly paid (=nothing) task, please either email me on neil@golfstrategies.com.au or send me an IM. Thanks in advance!
cheers Neil