Recently, after a few years of searching greens for my coins or markers, I have gone to the £5 coin as a marker - no problem seeing that! If I rifle my little ditty bag and it isn't there I get a bit anxious - not least because its worth $10.
I have another new and a of a bit wierd hangup I picked up ~5 years ago. I only use pitch repair tools which are angled and have pointy ends. I don't use the rounded end type or the straight type or any plastic ones.
Finally, and the one I have always gone by, I don't use plastic tees. I don't care which colour the tee is, but it has to be wood or occasionally these new fangled jobbies that are meant to melt away (or some such horseshit), though I admit to only getting these at clubs in the States. Also, I discovered I have a slight colour blindness deal by using red tees. If I pull one out of my pocket, it will only get used once - I ain't looking for those little red ba09u0ds!