This is the copy I tried upload in the previous post.
Resolution Adopted by the United States Golf
Association, November 30, 1920
Resolved, That a Green Section of the United States Golf Association
be and is hereby created for the purpose of collecting and distributing
among members of the Section information of value respecting the proper
maintenance and upkeep of golf courses.
The Green Section shall be composed of delegates and permanent
members, as herein provided. Delegates may be nominated by any golf
club in the United States or Canada, whether affiliated with the United
States Golf Association or not, and each such club may appoint one dele~
gate provided that no person having any direct or indirect financial interest
in the sale of any article, material or service used in the maintenance
and upkeep of golf courses shall be eligible to membership.
The Green Section shall be conducted by a committee to be known
as the "Green Committee of the United States Golf Association," which
shall be eomposed of 25 members, one-half of whom shall be appointed by
the President of the United States Golf Association and the other half
shall be elected by the delegates and permanent members.
The officers of the Green Committee shall be a chairman and two vice
chairmen, who shall be appointed by the president of the United States
Golf Association and shall be ex officio members of the Green Committee.
The members of the Green Committee shall hold office for one year
or until their successors are appointed, and any vacancies occuring in the
Committee for any cause shall be filled by the remaining members of
the Committee. The number of members of the Green Committee may be
increased at any time by a vote of the Committee, and in such case the
additional members shall be appointed for the remainder of the year by the
Committee and thereafter shall be appointed or elected as herein provided.
Persons who have contributed in a scientific or practical way to the
betterment of American golf courses may be appointed permanent members
by the Green Committee.
The permanent members and the delegates to the Green Section
shall meet at least once a year at the time of the annual meeting of the
United States Golf Association or at the time and place of the amateur
championship or at a time and place fixed by the Green Committee, and
said meeting shall be for the discussion of subjects of interest and the
election of members of the Green Committee.
The expense of conducting the Green Section shall be borne by the
clubs which appoint delegates to such section, and the dues of each club
shall be fixed by the Green Committee.
The undersigned hereby nominates , whose
address is , as their delegate to
the Green Section of the Unitcd States Golf Assoeiation.
Check for $ covering first year's ducs is cnclosed.
(Golf Club)
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