Dear George,
Your tag line suggests, IMO, that you are one of the most intelligent posters on this site.

As far as maintaining a golf course and the topics you pose, there are no "pat" answers. What is necessary is an understanding of the fundamentals of plant science, soil science, chemistry, electrical engineering, plumbing, psychology, human resource management, customer relations/service, golf course architecture/strategy, golf, meteorology, combined with an intimate knowledge and relationship with the specific site. Couple all of that with a willingness to totally expose oneself and all of your decisions to the scrutiny of all who play or live near your course. From there, you just go for it and try to figure it out, cause you'll always be challenged and surprised by nature, human and Mother. I know an old super with 40 years experience that got into fertilizer/chemical sales. I introduced him to my boss one time. I was bragging on his deep experience as a way to explain why we were out on the course together, and my boss said something like "you must know it all" when my humble friend said "Well, I sure know a lot of things that DON'T Work" As time passes, I know more about my course, and I'm not trying to figure it all out on a daily basis, and that helps. I've made some miscalculations along the way, but one of the things I think I'm pretty good at is not repeating mistakes, not more than two or three times anyway. I hope this thread has legs, thanks George.