Bob gave me the reigns of about two years ago...he had no idea how to update it and needed someone to do it for him. This trust, for someone whose hand he would never shake, came out of some articles I did for him when he edited a bunch of the Divot Communications magazines. The first upload I did, everything blew up! I worked and I worked to recreate the site and finally got it up. He loved the updates and gave me more to do, through the release of the two most recent books.
Bob sent some articles my way for publication on, the website that I direct as a labor of love. He became a contributing writer and will always occupy the top rung on our masthead.
Whether via email or...actually, only via email, he was a mentor, an editor, a colleague, a student, a compatriot. I anticipate teeing it up with him one day soon on a course in New England. That fortunate (or unfortunate) bounce will certainly be his handiwork.