"Your disdain for Ross and McGovern is well known, perhaps not to the degree as with Macdonald (to my knowledge you have not urinated on Ross or McGovern's grave), but obvious none the less. I suspect, consciously or subconsciously, you put words in her mouth."
Mr. MacWood:
That statement is just complete and outright bullshit on your part and neither one of us are ever going to let it stand on here. If you keep putting garbage like that on this website we will continue to come after you as basically a liar. Now you're getting into the unthinkable of trying to tell people on here what WE think without even bothering to consider what WE say about what we think of some of these architects.
Connie Lagerman was definitely not misled in any way whatsoever. We asked her a very simple and straight-forward question with no names at all involved and from that she's the one who did the talking----not us. She volunteered the name McGovern with no prompting at all from us. We even asked her if she had any idea why her father didn't like McGovern and she said she had no idea and she only remembers he was one architect her father did not like at all. It's a competitive business, I guess, both today and back then but perhaps you haven't even gotten to the point of figuring that out yet!

It's pathetic to see you try to make a career and name for yourself by constantly trying to find trivial little mistakes in the histories of clubs and architects, and not the least reason being you are so wrong so often about what you say. But I guess anyone who goes about research in the extremely limited way you do would be prone to such a thing.
What Wayne said to you on post #82 is right on the money. There's no point at all in you trying to personalize any of this----eg when you put a bunch of misinformation on here you're just going to hear about it. That's what this website is all about. If you can't take the heat then it's you who needs to get out of the kitchen!