Just what are you implying? Who is claiming the moral high ground?
Yardage is am modern crutch, aid, call it what you will, it is infecting golf courses around the world like the locus plagues from Biblical Times.
Early golf did not use yardage, 19th Century golfers did not scurry around trying to work out yardage it slowly crept in from the mid to late period in the 20th Century. It has become a must know piece of information for the modern golfer, he needs his yardage fix before playing his shot. It is spoiling Golf, from the Pro Game through to the day to day games we see on most courses today.
I have never claimed the high moral ground, all I have continued to say is that Golfers just do not need it because the golfers brain re assesses all the information prior to taking the shot. That would suggest to me that yardage info is just a total distraction. Who is trying to kid who or perhaps in truth players think they look cool, cleaver and appear more competent with yardage books, path finders etc – the real proof is simple by using your aids go and achieve the marked distance time after time after time in any or all conditions. Produce the evidence, I may then accept that they could have some input but until such times they are IMHO an artificial aid to try and enhance the image of the golfer.
Moral High Ground – tactical advantage sorry but that is crap as I have always said that the golfer has it within him/herself to play just as well without theses crutches – sorry aids.
I repeat yardage is in real terms irrelevant, the modern golfer has forgotten how to play natural golf. So if you want to put labels on people aim your comments at those who can’t play without help form yardage information.
IMHO yardage is one of the biggest cons of all times, but if you feel you need to know the distance you have the right under the rules.
Thanks, Bill
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