Many architects used the double, reverse direction loops to bring wind variety into play, I wonder if Flynn was the first to use the triangulation method ?
I'm not so sure about your labeling # 9 as a 1/2 weak hole.
The tee shot sure has a lot going on for it.
And, while the second shot may appear bland, much depends upon where your drive ends up. If you're on the slope, the second shot becomes more demanding.
But, I'd agree, the LZ on the second shot could use more bunkering to bring it up from a good/decent hole to an outstanding hole, especially into the wind.
I like the green and its slight fall away nature, the subtle undulations and the steep drop offs.
Additional bunkers in the second shot LZ would enhance the hole.
Or, perhaps a restoration, vis a vis relocating a bunker fronting the green would be helpful.
Take a look at a current Google Earth aerial and the 1938 aerial of Southampton, Shinnecock and NGLA and compare the bunker configuration on # 9.