And that Andy Hughes posed followthrough could only have been grooved on the steep sideslopes of Glenwood and Water Gap
Mike, 25 years on, and I still can't escape my upbringing!

A very nice day at Beechtree. I had the pleasure of playing with Jerry Kluger and Bill Brightly, some good shots and a few bad ones for the group (by good ones for the group, I technically mean Bill but Jerry and I are more than willing to ride Bill's coattails). Nice to meet some of the other guys, even if just briefly, to put a face to a name. Turns out Mike Malone really does exist and is not an alter-ego created by Wayne Morrison.
I was impressed with the course. It's clearly better than the publix I would normally play around DC. Unfortunately, things were softer and wetter than they should have been and the course undoubtedly played differently because of it. For example, on the third hole (where Bill has immortalized my pasty legs with a pic above), the green runs away and to the right. But approaches hit and stuck rather than landing and taking the contour.
Second example--the fifth hole approach is set up to take a low shot up the right side that scoots left and across the green (it reminds me of the 12th hole at Tobacco Road for the those who have been there). It should be a fun shot, but the ground was too soft and balls hit and stuck rather than bouncing.
Minor quibble though.
Wayne, if the 5th green fell off to the left I believe that would make the recovery from the left side easier as it would play more as a backboard. As it is now, it is a very tricky shot to hit out of the rough over the bunker and the slightly built-up portion of the green to a left side pin like we saw Saturday. Or am I missing your point?
My favorite holes: 3, 4 (though the approach was too soft), 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17. Oddly, I did not do so well on many of my favorite holes.