One nitpick on the course: It has some really stupid trees.
On #3, I was playing the way up tees with my wife (her first and only time on a golf course, how about that for a one off?). I hit a sand wedge and it got knocked down by a tree overhanging the green! Nothing like having to play a low punch shot because of tree coverage
above the area in front of the green. Then, on #4, I went with my wife to the forward most tee, and there was a tree right in front of the tee! Unbelievable. I moved back two sets of markers after that (and then one more set later). I believe someone posted that that tree has since come down - I don't know how it ever survived in the first place.
The theme of the course that I liked least were the many wide but shallow greens - it seems like the type of feature that really favors the better player and severely penalizes those with inconsistent yardage control.
Glad someone posted a photo of #14 - I had to play my beach shot from in between waves.

It was pretty funny.
If someone wants to play one set of tees, I'd suggest taking a good look at the carry on 18 to determine which set. That has to be the most daunting tee shot for a high handicapper I've ever seen.