Hello all,
We are currently working on a project in south asia, and are looking at available grasses to use on the golf course. Obviously, for tees, fairways, normal rough and greens, we would be looking at bermuda grass (TifEagle and Tifway 419, for example). However, I'm at a loss for what to suggest for tall grass areas.
Basically, in out of play area, we want a slightly taller (perhaps 6-8 inches or so, certainly less than a foot), coarser type of grass that could frame tees, swing off mounds, etc... Not something "wild" and natural looking (like tall fescues we'd use in cooler climates), but something that maintains a bit more of a garden or ground-cover look. I've looked around, and came across species such as "Bahiagrass", "Buffalograss", the famous "Kikuyugrass", "Zoysiagrass" and "St.Augustinegrass". That last one seemed the most interesting, if it can be grown tall enough.
But we're from Canada, eh. We don't have grasses like that up here.