That second photo is of a course that I had not seen, ever!
That course was built on the remains of the right half of the Pan Am Expo,
which was torn down after it closed. You'll remember that the main,
multi-lane road is the central promenade of the Expo, where the
Electrical buildings, etc. were. The Women's Building/CCB clubhouse
was always on the lower left of the expo plan/map.
The current-day Delaware Park course is about a half mile southeast of
the course in the second aerial. It has nothing to do with this mystery course.
The photo that Ian had was of a primordial course, the first one built at CCB.
My guess is that the course in the 1927 aerial is Park CC. Ian? I presume that, when
Park decided to move out to Williamsville (that same year!) the course
was abandoned and turned into housing and business lots. If you read the
history of the Park Club on their site (, you find this nugget:
"In 1927 a notable Architect, Clifford C. Wendehack, who was also responsible for
Winged Foot Country Club's lovely building, created a spectacularly beautiful and elegant
clubhouse for The Park Country Club's members and guests to enjoy.
At the same time, our exquisite golf course was designed and built by an equally renowned
golf course architectural firm, Colt & Alison. The Park Country Club was the location of the
1934 PGA Championship, as well as numerous amateur events."
Since Ian did some work at Park, he is in the best position to fill us in on the mystery course in
aerial number two. Now on to aerial number one...