Good way to describe it. I still think its only the same 3500 people who buy golf architecture books that would probably go nuts to see a replica or inspiration dervied from Golden Age or other holes.
The general public will know, for example, that there is a difference between my Sand Creek Station and some of the other older munis around Wichita. The features are bigger, bolder, etc. Do they know the 16th green was modeled after the road hole? Well, yes, if they read the yardage books. Do they care, other than its something they have never seen before? Can't say, but probably not.
All players will generally understand the look, feel and scale of the golf course. Most players will evaluate a course in how it affects their game - if there are too many lost balls, forced carries, etc. for the average player, they simply won't like it. Better players might care about the strategies, but again, may not agree with classic risk/reward, instead favoring safe=reward.