I'm not really a "rankings" guy, but I'd be curious how the group "rates" the following list of architects from the golden age. While most have not played even one course of some these men, do the best you can. List them from "best to least" and perhaps use the Doak scale to give them a numerical rating on their own as well. This list is totally subjective. I left off architects such Fownes, Wilson, Crump, Leeds, Egan, Macbeth, Macan, PM Ross etc due to a personal opinion of not having a large enough body of work to fairly compare them to these others. I'd like to do a post WWII rating as well after this one plays out. In no particular order from myself:
Alister MacKenzie
H.S. Colt
A.W. Tillinghast
Donald Ross
George Thomas
William Flynn
Perry Maxwell
C.B. Macdonald
Seth Raynor
Stanley Thompson
Herbert Fowler
C.H. Alison
Billy Bell
Tom Simpson
Tom Morris
James Braid
Walter Travis
Devereux Emmet
Willie Park, jr.
Herbert Strong
Willie Watson
Max Behr
William Langford
Alex Findlay