They both look worth the trip. In some ways, Galloway reminds me of the Dunes Club, Mike Keiser's nine-holer (where I am a member). It strikes me as an obvious homage to Pine Valley, as does the Dunes. The routing issue is not a small one, however. I can appreciate the conundrum faced by the architect, but a 350 yard walk in between a green and a tee is irritating indeed, sort of like the walk at Bandon Trails. Doesn't mean that the course is too contrived or too difficult, just means the architect chose to accept the obvious grief the customers would later provide. To me, this again shows that a talented architect can step outside of his "normal" style and create an architectural milieu that is contrary to what is expected. That is what Keiser got out of Dick Nugent at the Dunes Club and it appears that Galloway National is helping prove that Tom Fazio is eminently capable of building this kind of golf course. I'll leave it to the purists to tell me if some of the fairway bunkering is antithetical to this look. To me, it looks very appealing in the photographs.