Yes I can use it in marketing.
They are now targeting August 30 or Labor Day weekend. Like every other project in Texas last year, lots of rain followed by a cool spring slowed turf developement.
I can honestly say Freddie and I never got into an argument over what design features to include.
No doubt Freddie is better looking and much more fit than me.....that's why he doesn't mind showing up on TV, while I confine my public appearances to internet sites!
I have worked with Couples, Colbert, Zoeller (Killian days), Nelson, Elkington, and Wadkins. I have propsed on projects with Trevino, Litzke, Lehman and way back when, Ed Sneed. I have been approached at different times by Mark Brooks, Gary Player, Amy Alcott and a few others. Now, I am working with Notah Begay on an Indian project. I think there are a few more tour pros out there than that!
I can say I have learned a lot I didn't know, had some fun, and have a few cocktail party stories to tell.