On weekends adults do have priority over children...It is common sense.
It seems that courteous golfers should have priority over the discourteous. And from what I've seen age is uncorrelated to courtesy. Something tells me Jerry's son is far more a courteous golfer than many on his course.
Just because a man works the other 6 days a week doesn't mean he has priority to drunkenly ramble over 200 acres of his choice on Saturday.
Golf does not flow unless everyone in a group either walks or everyone rides. Nothing pisses me off more than the purist (cheapskate) who insists on walking when the three other guys are in carts.
I play in a regular Saturday and Sunday morning men's group of 28 - 48 golfers. We randomly select 4somes each day and there is always a mix of walkers and riders within groups. So long as everyone plays ready golf (no honors, no 'you're away' before the green) then everything flows just fine. Our groups nearly always play in under 4 hours. As a walker, I beat others from green to tee on 16 of our 17 holes. They usually beat me tee to fairway, and I usually beat them approach shot to green.