If you think the Nathan's tournament is gross/great, you really have to live in Philly to understand the phenomenon known as Wing Bowl, which happens on a Friday morning every year before the Super Bowl. A local talk radio station started it back in the early 90's as a joke in response to the Buffalo Bills losing a bunch of SB's in a row (and the Philadelphia Eagles not competing well during those times).
Some things that are really hard to believe about Wing Bowl:
1. Now held at the Wachovia Center with 20,000+ people attending, the doors open at 6 AM and it is still the largest event for beer sales each year at WC, and they are booked for an event 350+ days a year! People tailgate through the night till the doors open. Every stripper within hundreds of miles is there in the stands to, uhh, observe the proceedings.
2. When the Black Widow (?Sonya Thomas) won the event about 4 or 5 years ago, some gastroenterologists from Temple University asked her to come by because they wanted to examine her, I guess to do some studies to better understand these competitive eaters. She declined, and instead went to a diner in South Philly to celebrate, where she ordered a large strawberry milkshake and a plate of wings. I'm not making this stuff up.
3. The live coverage of this event every year is must hear radio. It is so darn funny, IMO.