Tony, I can't see where those two photos reflect the actual golf holes too accurately. The perspective seems well off to me, with making it seem all those bunkers are as imposing and in line of play as they are. Yes, the bunkers off the tee ball on the front entry to the FW and on the right side and rough down there is scary. But, they don't present a minefield quite like that.
But, I can certainly agree with those that are off-put by the faux links. Plenty of the design is well over the top, IMO as well.
As for the nice description Russell gave, he is happy with it despite the described near flooding, and good for him. However, I would not be for a second at even half price let alone what he probably paid.
Flooding at the River course is highly understandable. But, if it was so soft and some areas were that flooded to preclude getting a mower to greens, or actually under water and cut holes short, I'd not wish to play, let alone at any price. For comparison, I'm 50 miles away. We didn't get quite as much rain, but nearly as much as Sheboygan and Kohler. Our 50 year old muni, lost one bridge. But, the course was sufficiently dry to played soft but acceptable the days following the rain days. Some bunkers were full of water for as much as 3 days. Yet, all last week, and up til now the course is already firm and actually as good as I've seen firm and fast. How can that be when our course has 1/100th the infrastructure and far more clayey soil than any of the Kohler courses?