A little education about the handicap system
--Par of the course has no bearing on handicap
--Handicap differential is calculated using your score (say 80) minus the course rating (say 72)
--Once you have 5 scores in the handicap system, an offical handicap can be determined
--The full handicap comes from twenty scores, with the best 10 score differential's counting in the score.
--The differentials are then added and averaged
--The mean differential is then multiplied by .96
The USGA link to handicaps is:
http://www.usga.org/playing/handicaps/manual/manual.html Section 10-2 defines the handicap index formula.
So, handicap is 96% of your best 10 scores in relation to the course rating, thats why you rarely see people shoot their handicap. For a tour player, I would say that a real handicap for them on the average course that a normal person would play would be somewhere around +6 or 7 for anyone on tour, with Tiger and Phil probably coming in around +11 or 12.
--BTW--my index before turning pro was in the range of 0