Has resistance to scoring not ALWAYS been a major facet in course design??
-Are Oakmont and Pine Valley really enjoyable (from a scoring standpoint) places for the members to play? For that matter, is Pinehurst #2 enjoyable on a daily basis?
-I feel that the term resistance to scoring can be taken so many ways that it becomes hard to determine an exact meaning for it. I think that all courses were designed, at least in part, to cause the player to hit exacting shots if he wanted to make par's. I think that courses can be very difficult and still quite enjoyable to play, otherwise, PV, Oakmont, Shinnecock, and others would have been bull dozed over years ago.
--Pat--Perhaps additional definition about what you mean exactly is in order, since at this point, as I have said, I think that resistance to scoring has always been a major thought in course design, it not the most major, behind the most basic functionality (drainage, air movement, etc).