Thanks, Tom and Kalen. I knew about Paa-Ko Ridge and will probably make the trek down there. Current satellite imagery for Black Mesa looks promising, and the way the course winds through the smaller mesa formations makes it seem pretty special.
Apparently, a drought in 2014 and early 2015 took its toll on Black Mesa; if anyone has any insight into its current condition, I'd appreciate it.
On a separate note, my limited research suggests that Baxter Spann was active in the Santa Fe area in the early 2000s. Because of this, I'll probably play at least two of his courses while I'm there.
I've not played a Spann-only course, but the two Finger, Dye, Spann tracks I've played had some pretty crazy greens with steep plateaus and wild slopes.
Finally, does anyone know anything about Las Campanas? With two Nicklaus courses that cover a massive acreage, the club seems like a bit of an outlier in Santa Fe.
Right now, my most likely four are:
- Paa-ko Ridge
- Black Mesa
- Cochiti
- Marty Sanchez Links de Santa Fe