Good afternoon folks,
First off, I'm ecstatic to be a new member of this wonderful on-line community. For many years now, I've been a lurker who occasionally read the forums and often read through the course profiles. I'm glad to now be on the "inside." It is obvious from reading that many of you know each other quite well. It goes without saying that I've always been a fan of golf and golf course architecture. In my past, I graduated from the Penn State PGM program, having had the privilege to intern at the Inverness Club, Whistling Straits, and finally intern and work as an Assistant Pro at one of the TPC clubs in the northeast. Despite leaving the industry a year and a half ago, golf still consumes my mind.
Now, on to my post. I'll first apologize if these topics have been covered before. I've searched and found bits and pieces, but thought that I would ask in one topic. Since my high school days, I've been collecting books about golf and golf course architecture. I'd like to now turn my attention to collecting issues of golf magazines from the early part of the last century, preferably those containing significant and relevant work by the great writers like Darwin, Rice, Keeler, etc., and of course, the great architects. The American Golfer and Golf Illustrated immediately come to mind. Does anyone know any websites that 1) sell such issues and 2) outline the content of the issues of these magazines?
As well, any suggestions for websites which sell classic golf and golf architecture books?
Thank you in advance.