Doug: the good things you cite were the direct result of the Contract with America and Newt Gingrich. Clinton, the brilliant politician that he WAS, recognizing that he had no choice but to go along, acquiesced to Gingrich's demands regarding spending, tax cuts and the budget, and bada-bing! and whaddyaknow!, good things happened -- despite Clinton, not because of him. The only credit he deserves is for the good sense not to get in the way.
End of anti-revisionist rant...
Shivas, please quit pitching me softballs.
1st, I would think the words of conservative economist and legend Alan Greenspan, who credited Clinton and the DEM congress of 1993, and especially their paying down the deficit, for the economic boom of the 90's, would not allow you to try to steal it.
Second, the Repubs kept full control of the Congress and added ShrubCo in 2000, and since ............?
Third, the OTHER lying arguement goes "It was just a tech bubble and didn't really happen anyway". Kinda contradictory to 'it was great but we really did it', huh?
Hell, since ShrubCo went insanely into debt, all those "Balanced Budget Amendment" ravers {remember? from Contract On America!], all NOW say 'debt is good' and 'who cares'. Afterall, that is what the conservative talk radio daily 'talking points' said, wasn't it? Must be the New Truth!
As an aside, Contract On America also was gonna bring us 'Term Limits'. How many of those who supported those at the times actually voted for them, or better accepted them for themselves? Of the hundreds that espoused this idea and reached the opportunity, there were one or two, and a couple dems too, who voluntarily took them. Like the other 'ideology' of that document, it was for public consumption, not to be taken really seriously. It is now obviously the source of much 'spin'. One should actually track the results. [Too be fair, Newt [for whom I have a certain reluctant respect, sometimes] was able to do some of that]. Hopefully, a Dem Prez with a Dem Congress can undo the damage [again].
Want some more? Let me know.
PS: I know I speak with lots of internal addendums. Politics, like all human interaction, is no simple thing. If it was, we would have solved these problems long ago.