I expect Torrey Pines will deliver.
Watching a US Open played in California is kind of a unique brand of a US Open to me. There's a different feel in the look of the tournaments on tv as compared to the others.
As a fan, I'm probably a bit California biased. I love the coast of California. My mom's from the bay area, so I've been going there all of my life to visit family. My tastes were most likely influenced to some degree back in 1992 at Pebble Beach, my first time at a US Open, which made an indelible impression.
1998 at Olympic also stands out in my mind. Payne was/is my favorite player ever and that US Open, though he didn't win, was really fun to watch; Especially with sexy Olympic Club splashed all over the tv screen.
I've never seen Torrey Pines in person. It is my hope that when it's said and done, that this US Open will cement in our minds a memorable championship and that maybe more golfers will want to go to San Diego, like they did and still do in Monterey, to play a US Open golf course.