I think it goes much deeper than this..which is many have the notion that an extra stroke counts for more, or is worse on the 72nd hole than it is on the 1st hole. The reality is, thier weight is the same. If a gust blows your ball into the water in the 1st round, and not the 4th round, is that somehow better because it happened on the 17th hole as opposed to the 71st hole? Mathematically they are the same, it is the human pysche that only equates these as being worse.
The same analogy exists in virutally every other sport. You can hardly watch a close basketball game where someone misses a last second shot and isn't devastated. I saw why? If his teammate hadn't of missed that layup in the 1st qtr, then he wouldn't have been there in the first place.
If winning or losing a championship is really that much more on the 73rd hole, then why even play the previous 72 holes? I won't disagree that its tough to lose like that, but how is it any different than hitting your ball in the drink on the 72nd hole? They are all the same, and a stroke is a stroke, regardless of how its earned.