Templates? Yes, we have seen some. There are a number of internal features to some of DJR greens that we can pick up on various courses. We catogorize them as center prowl, horse-shoe (center swale), double-plateau (not like Raynor), punch-bowl (yes he did them, I was just on one yesterday at Springfield C.C. in Ohio), diagonal swale, center s-curving ridge .... and others. They are not so formulaic as Raynor and they rarely were used just as par 4's, 3's or 5's. They were used in varying situations. The 7th at Bedford matches many of the features of the 10th and 12th at Congress Lake and is similar to the 13th at Longmeadow.
As for bunkers, it is hard to say Ross had one particular style. In the last two days I was at the C.C. of Buffalo and Springfield C.C. in Ohio. CC of B has bunkers with many capes and bays with varying undulations across the faces. Some of the bunkers are predominantly grass-faced and others are flashed. Springfield bunkers are relatively shallow and were primarily grass faced. All of the bunkers at LuLu were grass faced. His drawings and ultimately photos reveal great variety in his bunkers, sometimes on the same course.