I guess I wonder what is a reasonable range for green speeds. At one the clubs I play at, they make the greens lightning quick for the Club Championships. Everbody talks about it, because it makes the scores go through the roof. The rest of the year, however, the greens are are quick, but fair and healthy.
At another club I play at, the greens are generally slower and in poorer condition. Part of the reason is the "other" club gets more play and the climate is a little harsher - think Minnesota Lakes region. One day, I was playing with the architect (he actually designed both clubs) and he tells me that he designed the "other" course with fast greens in mind 11-12 stimp. I thought it ridiculous given the climate and the fact that they already seemed distressed at a stimp of 10.
Another thing about green speeds. There is a wonderful club in Toronto called Toronto Golf (a Colt design). Some of the greens there are diabolical, yet recently (last 3 years or so) they have been quickening up the greens to match some of the new flashy clubs. There is no way Colt designed for those speeds. Last time I played there, I putted off the green.
I guess what I'm getting at is, it seems to me that some supers maintain greens at speeds they were never designed for, and some architects are designing fast greens that are not healthy.