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Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2008, 11:40:15 AM »
It would appear we have the MPCC matches pretty well set... so no reason to hide...

Here's how it looks for that day.  Note the players in italics are MPCC member friends of Bobs.  Mr. Other is a particularly great guy.   ;D  Format will be simple better ball of partners, match play, gross.  Of course any other games you wish to tack on to this will be highly encouraged.

NorCal                                 ROW

Huntley                               Miller
Braley                                 Bert       

La Gow                       Lavallee
Jenkins                               Pittock

Brown                          Shivas
Mayhugh                            Peterson

A.N. Other                  Stamm         
MCBride                              Crisham

Has a time been set for MPCC.  Unfortunately I may have missed it ;D

Tom Huckaby

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2008, 11:47:58 AM »
Dave:  I think I saw a teetime for that, but I too don't recall!  We'll get that out soon enough.  I believe it's around 1pm.  Ed and Bob know in any case....


David Stamm

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2008, 12:07:03 PM »
This is probably a dumb question, but do we know if we spaced out the PG times so everyone has enough time to get from PG to Bay/MPCC?
"The object of golf architecture is to give an intelligent purpose to the striking of a golf ball."- Max Behr

Kalen Braley

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2008, 12:26:02 PM »

The first tee time at MPCC is 1 PM at 10 minute intervals.

The other Dave,

I beleive all of our tee times at PG are before 7:30, so hopefully this won't be an issue.  And thankfully, the 16th, 17th, and 18th, aren't very far from the parking lot so one could always skip the last couple of holes if needs be....10-16 are the best ones anyways  :)

David Stamm

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2008, 12:31:23 PM »
Thanks Kalen. Your right, if time runs short we can leave after 16 since the lot is right there. But I suspect if we are all teed off before 7:30, this won't even be an issue.
"The object of golf architecture is to give an intelligent purpose to the striking of a golf ball."- Max Behr

Tom Huckaby

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2008, 12:48:57 PM »
I shall allow silly questions like this ONCE.  Please, Ed does plan pretty darn well.


The PG times start at 6:40am.  We will have three groups.  If one can't start at 7am and get to MPCC by 1, one doesn't deserve to play the latter round.  Note the Bayonet round is currently 12:40 but Ed is trying to push back to 1pm also.  In any case you guys are the first groups off at PG so again, if you're late it's your own damn fault.


Kalen Braley

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2008, 12:53:00 PM »
I shall allow silly questions like this ONCE.  Please, Ed does plan pretty darn well.


The PG times start at 6:40am.  We will have three groups.  If one can't start at 7am and get to MPCC by 1, one doesn't deserve to play the latter round.  Note the Bayonet round is currently 12:40 but Ed is trying to push back to 1pm also.  In any case you guys are the first groups off at PG so again, if you're late it's your own damn fault.



If a 5 hour round of twosomes at the masters is good enough for them, then a 6 hour round of 4 somes is good enough for me.   ;)  :P

David Stamm

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2008, 01:02:10 PM »
No one was questioning the talents of the Great One. :-* And you're correct, if we can't finish a short course like PG with enough time, then we don't deserve to play at all.... ;)
"The object of golf architecture is to give an intelligent purpose to the striking of a golf ball."- Max Behr


Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2008, 07:34:18 PM »
Mr. Huckaby, please add one match to KP 6 - Mr Pittock (ROW) vs Mr. McBride (Nor Cal) on Friday at the Meadow Club!

Tom Huckaby

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2008, 09:57:34 AM »
Mr. Huckaby, please add one match to KP 6 - Mr Pittock (ROW) vs Mr. McBride (Nor Cal) on Friday at the Meadow Club!

Hell of an idea!  You two can kick it off.  You know also though that in so doing, you are each now the CAPTAINS of the respective squads.  Your duties will be huge... basically nothing.  But what an honor.  ;D



Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2008, 11:25:07 AM »
Deeply honored but must decline.  I'm sure you understand.  ;)

Tom Huckaby

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings thread
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2008, 11:30:36 AM »
Deeply honored but must decline.  I'm sure you understand.  ;)

LOL!  Oh yes, I understand.

Just having some fun with this anyway.  We really don't need captains.. what we will need is a scorekeeper, since I won't be there for the weekend.

The pairings are shaping up, but are exceedingly weird given imbalanced teams, players playing some but not all rounds, different places, etc., some players still not fully confirmed... But I shall have something to post shortly, a first draft that is at least somewhat interesting...


Tom Huckaby

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2008, 12:09:02 PM »
OK, without further ado - here is the FIRST DRAFT of suggested pairings.  Please do post here, IM, or email me with any corrections or suggestions.  Just do keep in mind the goals here are:  a) to make this fun; b) to set up as fair matches as can be set up, playing all at gross; c) to mix and match people so that they aren't playing with the same partners/opponents too often; d) to make this fun; e) to make this fun; f) to make this fun and g) did I mention the goal is to make this fun?  The competitive aspects are really secondary to the whole thing - these pairings just make it easier for the organizers to run things, get everyone at the courses when they need to be.  Note that ROW does have quite a few more low handicappers, which made this interesting to keep fair... if anything reviewing this I'd say ROW are pretty strong favorites.  But one never knows how things will turn out!


Norcal                                                                                                ROW
Mike Benham - 1.7 – NorCal (Bay + Pasa)                               Pete Lavallee - 8.1 – ROW (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
Bob Huntley – 18.4 -  NorCal (MPCC / Pasa)                           David Stamm - 12 – ROW  (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
Ed Getka - 10 – NorCal (PG+Bay+/Pasa)                                   Robert Ball - 2.3  - ROW (PG+Bay+Pasa)
Kyle Henderson  - 11 – NorCal (Bay+Pasa)                             Jon Spaulding - +1 – ROW (Pasa only)
Patrick Kiser - 19.9 – NorCal (Bay+Pasa)                                  Tim Bert - 12.4 – ROW (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
Stan Dodd - 5.7 – NorCal   (PG+Bay+Pasa)                       Pete Pittock - 11.4 – ROW (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
Steve Pieracci - 5 – NorCal (PG+Bay+Pasa)                             Evan Fleisher - 12.5 – ROW (PG+Bay+Pasa)
Kalen Braley - 17 – NorCal    (PG+MPCC+Pasa)                    Lou Duran – 8 - ROW (Bay+Pasa)
Bill McBride - 13 - NorCal    (MPCC+Pasa)                          Shivas – lowish – ROW (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
                                                                                                    Tony Petersen - 6.2 – ROW  (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
                                                                                                     Jack Crisham - 13 – ROW (PG+MPCC+Pasa)

John VB - 6.0 – NorCal (PG only)                                               Jordan Wall - 1.7 – ROW (PG+Bay+Pasa)
Ron Muszalski - ?? – NorCal (PG only)                                      Dave Miller - 14.5 – ROW (MPCC+Pasa)
Rob Chesnut - 7 – NorCal   (Pasa only)                               David Elvins - 14 - ROW - (PG+Bay+Pasa)
Bob Jenkins - 8.9 – NorCal (MPCC+Pasa)
John Mayhugh - 7.6 – NorCal (PG+MPCC+Pasa)
Tom Huckaby – 3 - NorCal (Fri only)
Reef Wilson - 11.4 – NorCal (Bay+Pasa+PG)
John Krystynak - 6.6 - NorCal (Pasa only)

31 total points – halved matches are half points
NC needs 16 points to take the Putter, ROW needs 15.5 points to retain

Fri Meadow Club (2 players 1 point):
single match:
McBride (NC) v. Pittock (ROW)

Friday Pajaro (7 players, 1 point)
Stan Dodd, Dave Miller, Tom Huckaby, Kalen Braley, Evan Fleisher, Steve Pieracci, Tony Peterson

Better ball of partners, gross:
9:00:  Huckaby / Dodd (NC) v. Fleisher / Peterson (ROW)
9:08:  Pieracci, Braley, Miller

Friday Spyglass Hill (4 players, 1 point):
single match
Jenkins/Mayhugh (NC) v. Bert/Wall (ROW)

Friday ODM (12 players, 3 points):
NC:  Pieracci (5), Huckaby (3), Dodd (6), Getka (10), Braley (17), Ron M.
ROW:  Peterson (6), Schmidt (lowish), Duran (9), Stamm (12), Fleisher (13), Bert (13)

Better ball of partners GROSS
3:10:  Pieracci (NC) / Dodd (NC) v. Peterson (ROW) / Schmidt (ROW)
3:20:  Huckaby (NC) / Braley (NC) v. Duran (ROW)  / Stamm (ROW)
3:30:  Getka (NC) / Ron M. (NC) v. Fleisher (ROW) / Bert (ROW)

Saturday – PG Muni (18 players, 4 points)
NC (eight):  Getka, Dodd, Pieracci, Braley, John Vb, Ron M, Mayhugh, Wilson
ROW (10): Lavallee, Stamm, Ball, Bert, Fleisher, Schmidt, Peterson, Crisham, Wall, Elvins

6:46 (non-scoring group):  Wall, Ball

Each match better ball of partners gross
6:54:  Dodd/Braley (NC) v. Bert/Fleisher
7:02:  Getka/Ron M (NC) v. Crisham/Elvins (ROW)
7:10:  Pieracci/VanderBorght (NC) v. Lavallee/Peterson (ROW)
7:18:  Wilson / Mayhugh (NC) v. Schmidt / Stamm (ROW)

Sat:  MPCC (16 players, 4 points):
Times start at 1:00pm
Each match is better ball of partners gross

NorCal                                ROW

Huntley                                Miller
Braley                                   Bert       

La Gow                                Lavallee
Jenkins                                Pittock

Brown                                Shivas
Mayhugh                           Peterson

A.N. Other                        Stamm         
MCBride                      Crisham

Ital – MPCC members playing this round only

Sat:  Bayonet (12 players, 3 points)
Times start at 12:40
NC (7):  Benham, Getka, Henderson, Kiser, Dodd, Pieracci, Wilson
ROW (5):  Ball, Fleisher, Duran, Wall, Elvins

First two matches are better ball of partners gross
12:40:  Benham/Dodd (NC) v. Wall/Ball (ROW)
12:50:  Pieracci/Henderson (NC) v. Duran/Fleisher (ROW)
1:00: single match, gross
Wilson (NC) v. Elvins (ROW) (+ Getka/Kiser non-scoring)

Sun:  Pasa (28 players, 14 points)
Times start 9:30am
NC (13):  Benham (1.7), Pieracci (5), Dodd (5.7), Krystynak (6.6), Chestnut (7), Mayhugh (7.6), Jenkins (8.9), Getka (10), Henderson (11), Wilson (11.4), McBride (13), Braley (17), Huntley (18.4), Kiser (19.6)
ROW (14):  Spaulding (+1), Wall (1.7), Ball (2.3), Peterson (6.2), Schmidt (lowish), Lavallee (8.1), Duran ( 9), Pittock (11.4), Elvins (R&A 14 – equiv to US 12 or less I’d guess), Stamm (12), Bert (12.4), Fleisher (12.5) Crisham (13), Miller (14.5)

Single matches - one point for each match

Huntley (NC)  v. Crisham (ROW)
Chestnut (NC) v. Schmidt (ROW)

Mayhugh (NC) v. Lavallee (ROW)
Dodd (NC) v. Ball (ROW)

Kiser (NC) v. Miller (ROW)
Henderson (NC) v. Elvins (ROW)

Pieracci (NC) v. Wall (ROW)
McBride (NC) v. Bert (ROW)

Krystynak (NC) v. Peterson (ROW)
Jenkins (NC) v. Duran (ROW)

Getka (NC) v. Pittock (ROW)
Wilson (NC) v. Stamm (ROW)

Braley (NC)v. Fleisher (ROW)
Benham (NC) v. Spaulding (ROW)

« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 10:14:05 AM by Tom Huckaby »


Well done!

Kalen Braley

Well done!

I'll 2nd that Bill.

Well done Huck and I can help out with collecting scorecards or otherwise on the weekends if needs be.


Tom Huckaby

Kalen - you are officially deputized.  Make a table, track it however you wish - just do try to keep track of the points earned.  I assume there's a Sat night gathering where you can gather all info... that will be the only challenge.  Thu Bill can report when we see him, Fri/Sun you'll be there.

Odds are something changes re this... late bails/adds... but I'll have what purports to be a final/final pairing sheet for you, and many copies to distribute, when I see you next week.


ps - thanks, Bill!  Now get us a lead next Thursday!


Collecting scorecards is a good idea. Too bad it escaped the dixie cats. ::)

Great job on pairings. Evan & I should hammer that 5 hdcper with local knowledge. Just let us know where Evan should hit it so he can validate his victory at the ranch.

Tom Huckaby

Peter - of course it is up to Stan to share knowledge or not, but let's just say that his under a strict confidentiality agreement.

 ;D ;D

Kalen Braley

No problem Tom,

I'll make a little spreadsheet where we can keep track of scores, totals, etc and make it flexible enough for last minute additions/scratches.


Tom Huckaby

No problem Tom,

I'll make a little spreadsheet where we can keep track of scores, totals, etc and make it flexible enough for last minute additions/scratches.


You da man.

I just have a feeling though that these pairings will be subject to last second changes, as they always are... so be prepared to do some editing come next week.  In the meantime, what appears here on this page will be the master - I will change that as any changes occur, or occur to me.



Since we are in California everything should break towards Indio, right?

Tom Huckaby

Since we are in California everything should break towards Indio, right?

damn right
Just bring the compass to remember where Indio is.


David Stamm

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2008, 05:21:46 PM »

Singles matches - suggested matchups based on handicaps
Exact pairings TBD – separate players who have already played together if possible
Benham (NC) v. Spaulding (ROW)

Oh, you're are diabolic! Pitting the Broncos AGAINST each other! Oh the irony! ;)
"The object of golf architecture is to give an intelligent purpose to the striking of a golf ball."- Max Behr

Tom Huckaby

Re: Kings Putter VI - teams/matches/pairings
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2008, 05:26:19 PM »

Singles matches - suggested matchups based on handicaps
Exact pairings TBD – separate players who have already played together if possible
Benham (NC) v. Spaulding (ROW)

Oh, you're are diabolic! Pitting the Broncos AGAINST each other! Oh the irony! ;)

The irony of that was not lost on me... OLD Bronco v. young Bronco... future better-ball partners squaring off... but I assure you it was just luck.  I just lined up the Pasa participants low to high and matched accordingly.  The interesting thing is that if Benham bails - and there is whispering that such might occur - his replacement at the top is Pieracci... so the Bronco v. Bronco, future better ball partners squaring off aspect is maintained.


Evan Fleisher

Collecting scorecards is a good idea. Too bad it escaped the dixie cats. ::)

Great job on pairings. Evan & I should hammer that 5 hdcper with local knowledge. Just let us know where Evan should hit it so he can validate his victory at the ranch.

Ready and willing!  8)
Born Rochester, MN. Grew up Miami, FL. Live Cleveland, OH. Handicap 13.2. Have 26 & 23 year old girls and wife of 29 years. I'm a Senior Supply Chain Business Analyst for Vitamix. Diehard walker, but tolerate cart riders! Love to travel, always have my sticks with me. Mollydooker for life!
