Yep, we see a similar number of rounds played which I think is important in considering something like this. I would be interested in your thoughts the next time you see MM.
You are right about El Nino years. We find that our cart players don't play in the rain (go figure!) so it would be the days following as the paths dry out. Still a significant point though.
If we ever invade Cuba I want you next to me. On second thought, I want you in front of me.

Too late about the members hunting me down part... that started on day one. Yep, you're right, dirt paths might be too radical for our membership. The grass with dirt tire marks could work though.
I never said that I "needed" to remove cement cart paths. This is just something worth studying I think. This message board seems to be a good place to bounce ideas around. From a selfish standpoint, it's good for me to have a place to refine ideas away from my membership. Sometimes their reactions to mere ideas of mine start rumors and that doesn't help anything.
Really the only thing I 'need' to do is to try to move my home club forward in as many areas as I can and I'm just exploring if this would help us.
Here's an example of what I see:

It's not terrible but what if it were grass and/or dirt instead? Just a thought.
This is a secret dirt path in the middle of my home course that only 3 or 4 members know about. I showed this path to a friend that has been a member since 1989 and he was shocked as he had never seen it.

It's never been maintained and strangely it's my favorite place on the course.