Everyone is forgetting how ANGC was configured in 1934.
# 7 wasn't the built up green it is today, neither was # 10 and # 16.
The course was much shorter at 6,700 yards and most of the tees weren't as big as they are today.
And the waterways were NATURAL, and smaller
Looking at the 1934 aerial, I don't see where 120,000 cubic yards was moved/excavated.
But, then again, the aerial doesn't get you up close and personal.
The ground level photos in "The Making of the Masters" don't seem to reveal much work at the green sites either
Tom Doak, et. al.,
If the property was a tree farm, why would they NEED to strip a foot of topsoil ?
If they did strip 30,000 yards and put it elsewhere I don't count that twice.
I can see the greensites at NGLA being a significant undertaking in terms of cubic yards, but, I don't see it at ANGC.
What am I missing ?