Tom Paul,
But I did offer a suggestion, and that would be to make that action legal. And if it becomes an issue with guys walking in bunkers on purpose, just so they can rake them to "learn" about them, then by all means, make it a judgement call. How hard is that? After all, the rules book is full of stipulations and judgement calls, is it not?
My criticsm is not directed at a rules enforcer, but at a rules creater. If JVB officiates, he is bound by the rules of the game. My question is aimed at those who create/maintain/modify the rules. And I think its very relevant!!
On a broader note, the underlying dilemma, as best as I can tell, has not been laid out in this thread. And that is, just exactly what does Cink gain by having his caddy rake that bunker? What information could his Caddy possibly convey to unravel the mystery of playing his next shot out of an entirely different bunker, with entirely different shot requirements? Especially in light of the fact that he gets to go stand in that bunker and dig his heels in.
This whole thing reminds of a hunting parallel. I was reading an article about hunting in a local newspaper. The basic gist of it was, some hunter was peeved off because someone used lights to hunt and kill a deer. Yet....its ok to dress in camoflauge, its ok to use artifical deer calling equipment, its ok to bathe in deer urine, its OK to use fake decoys, etc, etc. on the list goes off all type of artifical means to lure the deer in and make an "ethical" kill. Yet heaven forbid, someone pull out a flashlight and they've committed an unpardonable sin and should be hung up by thier thumbs.
So its OK for a player to walk in the bunker, its OK for him to tromp around, its OK for him to dig his heels in, its OK for him to "accidentally" fall and ground his club, its OK to bend over and inspect the lie closely....but heaven forbid, don't let that rake touch the sand when said player has another upcoming bunker shot , FROM A DIFFERENT BUNKER, and he's crossed the line....what is that??? This is the arbitrary nature of this ruling that makes one scratch thier head.
P.S. As for Shivas thinking this is absurd, this is just all the more justifcation for my viewpoint. He's a lawyer and even he thinks this is over the top...if thats not proof enough, then I don't know what is.