In reading all the posts of people I highly respect as the experts, I am still left with the feeling that as in life under the law, sometimes golf just isn't fair...

I want a recount, and a review to the apealate court, and a referral back to the legislative body, with committee hearings, and a new rule enacted, followed by a test case to the highest court!
Or, I like Garland's suggestion...
I maintain the rule should simply be about using the club head to test and get rid of this nonsense.
As to the notion that such a simple rule would go against unfortunate players who "stumble" and need to use the club to brace themselves from the fall... I'd say, tough. Let 'em fall. Tough guys like Woody Austin would take the hit, or the dunking. Let's put the potential for a little contact and physicality into the game. How bad can the fall be in a sand bunker for cripes sakes?

What is the worst thing that could happen, you get some sand on your golf shirt, or get wet. I know it is the gentleman's sport and one must try to maintain tidy appearances, but... How many people are going to break their hips in a sand bunker fall, or drown in a pond?
No touching the club head, and that is that. Rakes are fine, after any shot is hit, in or next to the bunker. Sliding and digging into the sand for stance is fine.
And, how many of us play courses where the sand isn't even the same consistency from a FW bunker to greenside bunkers. Either different particle sizes, where the FW is coarse and firm and not worked up daily with sand pros, and the greensides are more specified and consistent particle sized, fluffed and groomed daily? And, if the caddie like Cink's did get a so called "read" on the nature of the hazard that he'd raked 180 yards back, and didn't communicate anything (like there is anything of real value to communicate) then how could anyone determine any advantage in the first place?
Did anyone claim Cink's caddie after raking that print, and Cink was already walking up to the next shot while caddie raked, then the caddie runs to catch up and says, "hey boss, be careful. While I was raking your print in that last bunker, I noted a light frosting of firm sand in the top 1/16th inch, so adjust your next swing accordingly.. and by the way, it wasn't the same consistency as that bunker shot you hit from three holes back, so be careful there as well." Yah, right!

Man, that caddie ain't making enough $ if he can give his player all that much advantageous info from raking a bunker 180 away!