John, will they ever have enough decisions and rule changes to stop the madness!

I think the answer is no. There seems to be an infinite number of situations that will fly in the face of common sense, where the rules haven't yet been modified to contemplate such apparently inconsistent or unfair occurences. You'd think anything that can happen in the game of golf already has, and the issue that are apparently not fair, would have been discovered and addressed. But, either the rule makers didn't change them because of a domino effect of one change blowing out unintentionally another valuable rule, or they just hadn't had a high profile occurance that caused such effect.
It does seem that a few words modification could be applied the next time the rules committee meets to make changes, ant the Cink absurdity of raking a bunker by a caddie 180 yards from the one you are in, can be accomodated without real harm to the rest of the game. But, we'll have to wait and see if the ruling body is that wise, or wiser if the rule change would adversely effect the game in a greater way than the cure.
But, at least for now, we fair minded folk can rail against the injustice of it all, and keep the discussion's moving in the forums and grille rooms...