I haven't used caddies many times, but I look forward to the day that I have a caddy who is as concerned about my enjoyment of the round as I am theirs. (and I pay them how much?
It's always a distraction for me, as I place the people in the game higher than the game itself.
So, no favorite...not enough data.
Joe, you raise a good point. I have a two problems with the modern caddie programs...first, you're paying double for half the service. Caddies at these high end clubs end up costing $100, but they double bag, so yoiu get them half the time, essentially. That leads to them hopscotching around trying to do well for both players, but you are all right when you say part of the experience for me is having a partner out there. I caddied. I caddied many weekends for the same guy and we got to be a team in a small, but important way. There is a huge difference between having a caddie and having someone carry your bag, which is the second problem with caddie programs.
That's why I love Bobby Hill...he carried my bag only for $80 and we had a grand ol' time working together. I highly rec Bobby.
I do have one other peeve, which is clubs that "randomly selected" my bag to be swapped out. Going in a man's bag is like going in his wallet...bad form. On each occasion I have been "swapped out" I have had to politely show them that they forgot to include my bee sting medicine, for "God Forbid," in the new bag.
Plus its a shock to suddenly see your head covers and clubs in some strange bag.
Anyway, this is not the thread to bash caddie programs, this is the thread to talk about why you get a caddie and who is great. Tommy, who else is great at Four Streams? John VB, who do you recommend?
By the way, one last question...you know how people say "if you don't bother the bee, it won't bother you?" Every time I have been stung I have been minding my own business, oblivious that there even was a bee until it was too late.