That's very true.
However, I've often wondered why tree removal programs haven't been greeted with the same zealous need for instant gratification.
There's a great story about the introduction of Ike's tree on # 17.
The story goes something like this.
Evidently many members found the new tree intrusive and bothersome.
They spoke to Cliff Roberts about removing it, but their words fell on deaf ears. In desperation they spoke to Ike who was the POTUS at the time and at ANGC for the annual meeting.
Evidently, he too found the tree objectionable, complaining that he hit into it all the time.
The members encouraged Ike to bring up the tree's annoying presence and the need to have it removed, at the annual meeting. The members felt that even Cliff Roberts would have to yield to the President of the United States on this issue, especially since so many members felt the same way.
At the meeting, after Roberts gave his report, he opened the floor for comments and questions.
Ike raised his hand and Cliff Roberts recognized him.
Ike then spoke about the intrusive nature of the tree, and how all of the members, including himself found it objectionable, recommending that it be removed immediately.
Cliff Roberts let Ike finish his presentation.
When Ike was fininished, he sat down and Cliff Roberts announced,
"Gentlemen, that concludes this year's annual meeting, we hope to see you here next year. Thank you for your time."
It was later reported that Roberts indicated that Ike may run the country, but he doesn't run ANGC.
Ya gotta like CR's management style.