I am totally with you on the humor part, I attempted some this weekend and was immediately outed as something, the ones that attempted to out me didn't have the balls to say it, they just implied something sinister which is almost as bad as what John did calling RJ a racist for what seems to me to be an innocent comment. The reason I raised your comment is to illustrate the inequities in these matters. You can diss God, Jesus, Texans, whites, little white kids, dogs, cats, babies all you want you won't offend me."
You're right Kelly, and what that means is you and I should combine our considerable forces and take on with humor all the over-arching humorless slimeballs we're aware of. The fact that hardly any of them "get" our humor is their problem, and not ours!
Heh, by the way, I don't like your list of who I can diss:
It should include not just God, Jesus, Texans, whites, little white kids, dogs, cats, babies----but also Jews, Muslims, bling-ladden black rappers, atheists, Pres. Bush, candidates Clinton and Obama and also comedians.
I once heard one of those ultra-wasp types down in Southampton say:
"If you can't insult your friends, then what is the world coming to?"
Truer words have never been spoken, in my opinion!