I can see that this thread has deterioated into babble - sorry Jay, I know you're just trying to be clever. I think everyone has missed the point. We all get paid for our services. It's call it a fee. We have the freedom to set it. Our work is not bid out. So a "kick-back" would be rather redundant If I need more for a job, I'll ask for more. If the client wants someone cheaper - god knows they are out there - then he/they probably would want to cut corners in other areas once the project got started or worse, pull the "I'm pretendind I didn't get your last invoice so sue me" trick. Better knowing up front. As dad used to say, "some of the best jobs turned out to be the ones I didn't get".
As for contractors, as Jeff stated this is a small world and word gets around (and stays around for decades) so no one I have ever been involved with has been unethical. As architects, we want the best match between the client, scope of work, and contractor. We will make suggestions to the client which contractors we think would fit the job - as each have strengths and weaknesses. Since we are the ones who have worked with these guys over the years, it is this knowledge that we are getting paid for.
Just remeber all the assumptiions that were thrown about pertaining to the Merion work.
When you build a course, you spend a year or 2 interacting with a contractor. one of 2 things usually happens. It either is a good job or a bad job. A low bid might look good to an owner up front but not at the end. Whereas the guy who was just a bit higher would have done a better job with less headaches and expenses for all.
In our business, the phase "trust me" is used alot. Once that trust is broken, it can't be repaired. The architact has a fiduciary duty to the client. It is part of his job to see that he get's what he is paying for.
Anthony might know of some instance where this wasn't the case but if so, it is an aberation, not the norm. Also, as Jeff will tell you, if a member af the ASGCA is found to be unethical, he will be told that his presence is no longer desired.