I do love that tee shot on 12. On my first trip around the course the wind was dead in our face, at least 30 mph and the carry from the blue tees stretched the carry from probably 245 to 280 in the wind. My brother in law and I are both pretty long hitters and we played to the right to the little neck near the cart path and managed to keep our balls in play for the next shot.
On day 2 we played early in the morning before the wind kicked up and we cut off at least 75 yards for the next shot, going straight up the gut over the chasm.
Today was really windy, again 30-35 mph and I played right again with a draw not challenging the water below.
Here's a pic from the 12th tee. I'll try more while we're here, but I'm using my wife's mac and I'm not real savvy with it. This post took about 25 minutes