You ask if anybody here is going out and doing something about improving today's courses, learning from the criticisms that are thrown around?
Yep, I would say most definitely, at least in a small way that is quickly growing into a full-fledged movement. And in my case, at least, I can say absolutely that this site has had a profound influence on the way I observe and plan golf courses (if only it could help my game).
Maybe it is because I'm not old and grumpy yet, but there is just so much for architects to glean from this forum if they pry deeply enough. And I think that goes especially for the ones who are so taken to task, whether rightly or wrongly; at least it helps to recharge one's creative batteries. Or, it should.
No, this isn't to mean that all new courses ought to have a biarritz and a redan by rote. What it should mean, as a concept, is that there are deeper levels of thinking and meaning that should be manifested onto the golf course itself. Specifically, I believe that GCA is helping to reinvigorate the ground game and all of the respective design elements that revolve around that. Or, perhaps, a certain Armenian scribe is just finally gettin in my head with all of his ideas.
Ultimately, your question can't really be answered right now. It will only be known in a decade or two's time when we can look back on today as we all look back on the most revered architects of our past.