> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

Seth Raynor Society meeting announcement!

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Fellow Afflictees:

The time has come and now is for the announcement of this summer's Third Annual Monthly Quarterly Biennial
All Raynorphiles are welcome.
We meet to have fun, play golf, argue, learn, and amuse ourselves with opinions informed and malformed.
Here's the deal:
The Seth Raynor Society will hold its Annual Meeting at Wanumetonomy Golf and Country Club in Middletown, R.I. on  June 25th - 27th 2003. The cost is $150.00 per person.

Clubs are allowed to enter 4-man teams in the 2-day Seth Raynor Cup. The Seth Raynor Society encourages clubs to include their superintendent, head pro, club president and green chairman or other club officials in this event. Individual players may attend as well and are allowed to compete for the Seth Raynor Cup individual prize.

Checks should be made payable to, Seth Raynor Society, c/o Doug Stein, P.O. Box 5246, Chattanooga, TN 37406.

We are deeply indebted to Waunamatonomy Golf Club for making their facilites available for such a great price, and we look forward to seeing you there.

You can respond and get more information at

I welcome responses on the list and will do all I can to answer same, but as many of you know, I have a day job that precludes my actively reading the list as often as I will upon my retirement, now dreadfully postponed until 2037, unless my ex remarries. So, if I dont respond promptly, send an e-mail to me at
Tony Pioppi is serving as Executive Director and Chief Bunker Raker, and you might send logistic questions to him.
Hotel accomodations are available and details are on our website.
Come on and Join us for a good time!
Doug Stein

David Kelly:
The period at the end of the URL you posted is messing up the link.

This works:

Doug and gents,

The timing of this is too good to be true.  I am very interested in attending both the Matt Ward organized Forsgate/Banks course on June 23-4 and travelling on to the Seth Raynor gathering in Rhode Island the following 3 days.  I'd be happy to hook up with someone who wants to do the same.  I'm thinking of driving out from Wisconsin (although I might fly to Newark too... and rent a car).  I'd meet whoever might want to make this 5 day event and we could share room at Princeton then on to R.I. and then I'd drop you off where you need to go after the SEth Raynor...

If anyone is interested in this, e-mail me.  We will see if the Forsgate scheduling comes through, and then I think I'll be making plans to do these two events if they come together, regardless if I find a golf partner on this trip...

Participants will be graded on their bunker raking techniques.

Tony or Rhode Islanders,

Can you share any insight to Wanumetonomy?


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