Everyone's a critic!
Which is as it should be.
But (I'll be the critic now) this sure would be a much
better thread if you guys would (a) describe the logos
you're touting, for those of us who've never seen them,
and (b) say why they're such good logos.
I like Sand Hills' logo -- because it's unusual, and because I
have such fond memories of the place. Every ball mark I've
repaired since 1996 has been repaired with a Sand Hills ball-
mark repair tool -- and I've often stopped to enjoy the logo.
But is it a great logo, in terms of its design? I don't know.
The rolling, dunesy quality of the S is very nice. I see a
cattle brand when I look at it; I see both a horse and a bird,
too -- and all of that seems apropos. But, honestly, I don't
see ANYTHING in it that suggests GOLF -- which, to me, is an
absence that keeps it from being a GREAT logo. Seems to me
it ought to include some extremely subtle allusion to golf
(extremely subtle! not a golf pin-and-flag sticking out of it, or
something) -- and if there's any such allusion there, I'm
missing it.
Does anyone see something I'm missing?