I also find myself apologising for being interested in Mr. Muirhead and his work

Tom, thanks for finding and confirming that the aerial for Imperial is there , and its just me . The net connection I have at the moment isn't up to Google Earth but I will have a look when I can.
Have been in Jakarta but the one game I had was not my choice , and I ended up playing TWP's Jagorawi .
Thanks Martin, Imperials website has been updated since I last looked .
Only played two Muirheads myself , both in Thailand . None were very symbolistic but there certainly was quirk .
Its some of the Japanese courses that he designed I would love to see , as its very hard to find any info. on his symbolistic designs there .
But since you Guys are far more proficient with Google earth than me , please try and find Shinyo GC in Nagoya , Japan , and check to see if the fan green still exists .
Best Regards